Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Many thanks to all donors!

Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz's fundraising campaign - for the foundation's educational work, among other organisations - reaches a record sum of 2,000,000 euros.


In November 2023, the foundation was chosen by Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz as one of four beneficiaries of their major fundraising campaign on their podcast FEST & FLAUSCHIG.

The campaign raised a total of over 2,000,000 euros with the support of 35,000 donors.

The foundation intends to utilize this money to expand its educational work. One of the plans is to create a special tour for people with visual impairments through our permanent exhibition in Buchenwald. This tour will enhance the accessibility of the exhibition to a wider audience. Additionally, the foundation plans to extend its social media activities by creating short videos. These videos will be tailored to the specific channels and will aim to promote a critical awareness of history, as well as provide guidance on how to prepare for and follow up on visits to our historical sites.

The foundation expresses gratitude to all the donors for their generous contributions.

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