Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Foundation Committees

The Foundation Council, Academic Advisory Board, and Advisory Boards of Former Inmates

The Foundation Council

Christian Tischner
Christian Tischner ©Christian Tischner


Christian Tischner, Thuringian Minister for Education, Science and Culture

2001 - 2006 Studied history, political science, economics, sociology and educational sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

2006 - 2011 Trainee teacher and teacher of history and social studies at the grammar school in Greiz

2008 - 2012 Research assistant for didactics of politics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Since 2009 Member of the CDU parliamentary group of the Greiz district council

Since 2013 Teacher of history and social studies at the ‘Adolf Reichwein’ co-operative comprehensive school (regular school/grammar school) in Jena (currently on leave)

2014 - present Member of the Thuringian State Parliament

2017 - present Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Thuringian State Centre for Political Education

2017 - 2019 Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry ‘Racism and Discrimination’ of the Thuringian state parliament

2024 - today State Chairman of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberführsorge e.V., Thuringia State Association

Board Members

Ministerialdirigentin Maria Bering
Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media

Ministerialrätin Dr. Brita Bopf
Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media

Oberregierungsrätin Fabienne Wohland
Thuringian Ministry of Finance

Peter Kleine
Lord Mayor of the City of Weimar

Stefan Nüßle
First Councillor Rural District of Nordhausen

Vera Szackamer
The Central Council of Jews in Berlin

André Raatzsch
Central Council of German Sinti and Roma

Academic Advisory Board

Portrait photo of Sybille Steinbacher
Prof. Dr. Sybille Steinbacher, 2012. Foto: Niels P. Jørgensen. ©Privat


Prof. Dr. Sybille Steinbacher, Director of the Fritz Bauer Institute and holds the Chair for Research on the History and Impact of the Holocaust in the History Department of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

1986 Studied Modern and Recent History, Medieval History, and Political Science at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich 

1992 Magistra Artium at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Masters thesis: "Dachau. Die Stadt und das Konzentrationslager in der NS-Zeit. Die Untersuchung einer Nachbarschaft," 2nd edition, Frankfurt a.M. et al., 1994) 

1998 Doctorate at the Faculty of History of the Ruhr University Bochum (Dissertation: "'Musterstadt' Auschwitz. Germanisierungspolitik und Judenmord in Ostoberschlesien," Munich, 2000) 

2010 Post-doctorate in the Faculty of Philosophy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Venia legendi in Modern and Recent History (Post-doctoral thesis: "Wie der Sex nach Deutschland kam. Der Kampf um Sittlichkeit und Anstand in der frühen Bundesrepublik," Munich, 2011). 

2010 University Professor of Contemporary History / Comparative Dictatorship, Violence and Genocide Studies in the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna

2017 Director of the Fritz Bauer Institute and Chair for Research on the History and Impact of the Holocaust in the History Department at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Group photo of the scientific board of trustees
From left to right: Dr. Christian Ingrao, Dr. Ulrike Lorenz, Prof. Dr. Bertrand Perz, Dr. Irina Scherbakowa, Prof. Dr. Jens-Christian Wagner, Prof. Dr. Hermann Wentker, Professor Dr. Verena Krieger, Prof. Dr. Sybille Steinbacher (October 21, 2022)

Board Members

Prof. Dr. Mary Fulbrook, University College London 
Dr. Bettina Habsburg-Lothringen, Joanneum Museum Academy, Graz
Dr. Andrea Hänger, Federal Archives
Dr. Christian Ingrao, Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent Paris 
Prof. Dr. Omar Kamil, University of Erfurt 
Prof. Dr. Verena Krieger, Friedrich Schiller University Jena 
Dr. Ulrike Lorenz, Klassik Stiftung Weimar 
Dr. habil. Piotr Maciej Majewski, Uniwersytet Warszawski 
Prof. Dr. Bertrand Perz, University of Vienna 
Prof. Dr. Dieter Pohl, University of Klagenfurt 
Dr. Irina Scherbakowa, Weimar 
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Director of the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University of Berlin
Prof. Dr. Hermann Wentker (Deputy Chairperson), Institut für Zeitgeschichte Berlin 
Prof. Dr. Lale Yildirim, Professor for Didactics of History at the Department of History of the University of Osnabrück and at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies

Advisory Board of Former Inmates, Buchenwald Concentration Camp

Portrait photograph of Naftali Fürst
Naftali Fürst (1932), 2019. Photo: Thomas Müller. ©Gedenkstätte Buchenwald


Georg Naftali Fürst (Israel)

Board Members


Professor Dr. Robert Bardfeld (Czech Republic) † 
Günter Pappenheim (Germany) † 
Éva Pusztai (Hungary, Deputy Chairperson) 
Gilberto Salmoni (Italy) 
Pierre Suzor (France) † 

Advisory Board of Former Inmates, Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp



Albert van Hoey (Belgium) †

Board Members

Roland Boisson (France, Deputy Chairperson)
Albert van Dijk (The Netherlands) † 
Oto Konstein (Croatia) 

Advisory Board of Former Inmates, Soviet Special Camp No. 2


Günther Rudolph † 

Board Members 
Gerhard Etzold † 
Rolf Staudte † 
Ingeborg Thiemeyer † 

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