Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Statement on the mayoral election in Nordhausen


The Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation reacts with relief to the outcome of the run-off mayoral election in the city of Nordhausen. The election of Kai Buchmann makes it possible to continue the trustful cooperation between the Foundation and the city of Nordhausen.

In the past, the memorial and the city had cooperated on various projects, such as events like exhibitions and lectures or the current redesign of the Nordhausen Cemetery of Honor, where more than 2,000 concentration camp inmates and forced laborers are buried. The employees of the city administration have always been very open to the interests of dignified remembrance work.

Foundation director Jens-Christian Wagner declares:

"The majority of the people of Nordhausen voted on Sunday for a welcoming, diverse city that is aware of its historical responsibility. Nevertheless, the many votes for the openly history-revisionist AfD candidate show that the educated culture of remembrance as a basic consensus of our democracy is in acute danger. Together with Nordhausen's civil society, which has shown great commitment in recent weeks, we will continue to work to ensure that Nordhausen remains a city that is open to the world, critically examines its history under National Socialism and honors the victims of Nazi terror."

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