Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Commemoration of the 79th anniversary of the liberation

15.04.2024, 13:00 PM‒18:00 PM


Mittelbau-Dora Memorial

Logo of the 79th anniversary of the liberation of the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp

79 years ago, on 11 April 1945, the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp was liberated by US troops. This year, the commemoration ceremony will take place on Monday, 15 April. It will begin at 11am in the reconstructed accommodation barracks of the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial. This will be followed by a wreath-laying ceremony on the memorial square in front of the former crematorium.

Welcoming address
Andreas Froese, Director of the Mittelbau-Dora Memorial

Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of the Free State of Thuringia

Nikolas Lelle, Amadeu Antonio Foundation

Musical accompaniment
Elisabeth Hartschuh, Tobias Hauer and Martina Zimmermann, Loh Orchestra Sondershausen

Wreath-laying ceremony
Memorial square in front of the former crematorium


2.30–4pm | refurbished tunnel system
Public tour
Free admission, no registration required

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