Everything is strange in the world - Gertrud Kolmar. A portrait
On the 80th anniversary of Gertrud Kolmar's death in March 2023 with Ingeborg Gleichauf
Reading at the Notenbank Weimar, 6 p.m.
Gertrud Kolmar (1894-1943) is considered an important German-language poet. Despite her great rank, however, the Jewish writer has not been sufficiently appreciated until today. Kolmar wrote poems, dramas and prose and left behind a fascinating body of letters.
For her readers today, reading Kolmar is linked to the knowledge that she was murdered in Auschwitz. Since there are hardly any photos of Kolmar, most of her books show the melancholy portrait of the author from 1928. However, her literary work as well as her letters are now easily accessible, and they show a much more varied picture. Gertrud Kolmar is a radical poet who does not fit into any category. She writes tenderly and harshly, poetically, prosaically, dramatically, lets women and men, animals, plants and things speak. She writes about arriving and leaving, standstill and movement, about being a woman, being a man and being a child, plants and animals, war and peace, strangeness and closeness. And she does so not only eloquently and full of strong images, but sometimes even comically to the point of the grotesque.
Ingeborg Gleichauf follows the trail of the Jewish poetess and portrays in "Alles ist seltsam in der Welt" a versatile writer who still has a lot to say to us today.
An event of the Weimar Rendez-vous with History
An event organised by the Buchenwald and Mittelbau Dora Memorials Foundation in cooperation with the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen.