Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Commemoration in Ellrich-Juliushütte


Former Ellrich-Juliushütte camp site

A wooden watchtower can be seen next to a half-open wooden camp gate. In front of it, a Spanish horseman with barbed wire can be seen standing next to the access road.
Camp entrance to the Ellrich-Juliushütte subcamp, 1945 (after liberation). Photo: Georges Philllips. ©Georges Philllips/K.-H. Schwerdtfeger

On 12 April 1945, American soldiers took the town of Ellrich and liberated Ellrich-Juliushütte, the largest subcamp of Mittelbau concentration camp. This year, the commemoration ceremony will take place on Tuesday 16 April at 11 a.m. at the Ellrich-Juliushütte memorial site.

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