Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Mourning the death of Guy Morand

Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp survivor

We mourn the loss of Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp survivor Guy Morand. He died on 2 April this year.


Guy Morand was born on 2 August 1923 in Hải Phòng in what is now Vietnam. After returning to metropolitan France from the former colony of Indochina, he studied in Bordeaux. After the French capitulation, he joined various Resistance groups. On 3 August 1943, he was arrested for his activities and was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp via the transit camp in Compiègne. He arrived in Buchenwald on 29 January 1944 and was given inmate number 44271. After several weeks of quarantine, he was assigned to what was then the Buchenwald subcamp of Dora, which became the independent Mittelbau concentration camp in October 1944.

He was forced to perform forced labour in the production of the "V2" rockets in the Kohnstein tunnels. When the SS began to clear the camp in April 1945 under chaotic conditions, he was taken by train to Bergen-Belsen. It was there that Guy Morand was liberated by the British army on 15 April 1945.

After the war, he first returned to Indochina and later lived in Cannes, where he took over the chairmanship of the Comité de la Résistance et de la Déportation des Alpes-Maritimes.

Our thoughts and sympathy are with his family and friends these days.

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