Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

"Geschichte. Bewusst. Machen." (History. Made. Conscious.)

Many different individuals and initiatives provide a basis of support for remembering and engaging with the history of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Together with members of this network, the memorial conducts a walking tour "Geschichte. Bewusst. Machen. Ein Weg durch Buchenwald" (History. Made. Conscious. A Walk through Buchenwald) on the anniversary of liberation. Based on alternating themes, the walk makes stops at different historical sites, whose significance is explained through an outdoor exhibition.

In the foreground, a speaker with a green jacket and blue cap can be seen from behind, speaking into a microphone. To the right of him stands a gray-white-orange information pillar, which offers information about prisoner transports. In the background, a crowd of people can be seen, which has gathered in front of the speaker with some distance to him.
Station of the tour: "Making history conscious" on the platform of the former Buchenwald railway station, 2022. Photo: Katharina Brand. ©Buchenwald Memorial
In the center of the picture, a speaker with a black jacket stands on a small stage element and speaks into a microphone. To his left is a gray-white-orange information stele. In the background, the gate building of the former concentration camp can be seen.
Station of the tour: "History. Made. Conscious." at the gate building, 2022. Photo: Katharina Brand. ©Buchenwald Memorial
In the foreground of the picture there is a white-gray-orange info stele. To the right of the stele is a man with a large Belgian flag. In the background there is a crowd of people looking towards the stele.
Station of the tour: "History. Made. Conscious." at the memorial stone for the women, 2022. Photo: Katharina Brand. ©Buchenwald Memorial
In the center of the picture the national rabbi Alexander Nachama stands on a small stage element and speaks into a microphone. In the background are listeners, some with flags.
Station of the tour: "History. Made. Conscious." at the Jewish memorial, 2022. Photo: Katharina Brand. ©Buchenwald Memorial
In the foreground there is a white-grey-orange information desk on which explanations are offered in various languages. Furthermore, on all sides are cutouts of a photograph of Burgenland Roma in prisoners' clothing. To the left of the stele is a speaker at a microphone. In the background, a crowd of people can be seen looking in the direction of the speaker.
Station of the tour: "History. Made. Conscious." at the memorial for the murdered Sinti and Roma, 2022. Photo: Katharina Brand. ©Buchenwald Memorial

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