Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

Photo workshop for young people with Christian Rothe

05.05.2023 ‒ 06.05.2023, 17:30 PM‒20:00 PM


Gedenkstätte Buchenwald (Information)

Friday and Saturday, 3.30 p.m. -6 p.m.

Afree photo workshop for young people with Christian Rothe as part of the exhibition "Silent Witnesses". Registration at info@erfurter-kunstverein.de is required.


How do we approach places of National Socialist crimes? What makes these places special today and how can they be depicted? The workshop offers young people (14 years and older) the opportunity to approach the site of the former concentration camp with a camera under the guidance of photographer Christian Rothe. This workshop is offered as part of the action week "Gold instead of Brown". No extensive knowledge of photography is necessary. Those who do not have a digital camera can also participate with their smartphone. The offer is free of charge.

Limited number of participants
Registration required at info@erfurter-kunstverein.de
Venue: Buchenwald Memorial (meeting point: visitor information)

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