Buchenwald Memorial Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Museum Zwangsarbeit im NS

„Students at war“

14.04.2023, 21:00 PM‒23:00 PM

Film and discussion

Kino mon ami, Weimar

Filmstill Students at war

Film and talk on the deportation of Norwegian students to Buchenwald concentration camp with Elsa Kvamme and Markus Wegewitz.

On 30 November 1943, the University of Oslo was closed by the German Nazi government and all students were to be arrested as potential terrorists. Many escaped, but 650 students were taken to Germany where they were to be "re-educated". The documentary tells of this as well as of the students' cohesion and mutual help in the Buchenwald concentration camp, where they also had to resist working for the German arms industry. As a result, most of the deportees managed to survive the collapse of the Nazi regime.

Both parts of the documentary can be seen: "Students in the racial state" and "The Buchenwald fog" (54 min), both in the original with English subtitles.

An event organised by the Buchenwald and Mittelbau Dora Memorial Foundation in cooperation with the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen.

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